Music Teaser

I am pleased to announce that Patches Of Adventure is going to get some music!

I decided on the music after I upgraded the graphics. I figured that it was a little too quiet and that there was enough in the budget to include something. I tried to get a musician that I admired from the flash game days. They made a soundtrack to the game Tower Of Heaven, which was one of my favorite flash platformers. I contacted Flashygoodness and hoped for the best. Sadly they were busy, but they recommended someone else equally as talented. I checked out their catalogue and shot them an email. Luckily they weren't too busy and got back with me. The talented  crew they mentioned goes by the moniker Moonsailormusic!

They sent me a couple samples and we went ahead with one of them. I decided on just two tracks for now. A Quiet Time story track for when story beats and non-action parts are taking place. Such as when you're in town or other peaceful areas. I also requested a second track that they're working on in the meantime which is to be the main theme and for action pieces. I should have more information about the latter soon. In the mean time, please enjoy this small teaser!

Thank you for continuing to support Patches Of Adventure!

You can check out Moonsailormusic here:

You can also find their library here:

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